Informal Ways of Spotting a Psychopath. Found on this website.
What is a Psychopath? Quantum Future Group, a group thought by some to be a cult.
Psychopathy and Suicidality in Female Offenders: Mediating Influences of Personality and Abuse. A scientific study.
Psycho boss anyone? When the boss turns out to be a psychopath! An online article from late 2011.
Biopsychiatry and Violence. Lots of neurotransmitter stuff.
The Psychopath's Brain. A Brazilian page in English.
Psychopath vs. Antisocial Personality Disorder and Sociopathy. Discussion Excerpts: Robert Hare.
Dr. Hare's Site. Psychometrics and Pioneering Treatment Plan.
9 Clues to Detect a Psychopath
Is Psychopathy Evolutionarily Beneficial? This relates to my "...are you nuts?!" essay on this website.
Recognizing the Pro-Social Psychopath More insidious deception.
How to Spot Psychopaths: Speech Patterns Give Them Away. Online article from October, 2011.
Psychopath-Narcissist Stuff from Sam Vaknin.
The Hidden Suffering of the Psychopath. Psychopaths are people, too.
Heartless Bitches International's Red Flag List. Not quite on the topic of the psychopath, but worth a read nonetheless.
Love Fraud. How to recognize and avoid sociopaths.
Bullying and mental health. Mental health treatment for after the fact.
Detox & Rehab. A new "treatment" link.
How to spot a psychopath. Humor.